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West Ranks Top Eight Percent in State

U.S. News and World Report just announces, that Morristown-West High School ranks 35 out of the 353 schools for the Best High Schools in the state of Tennessee this year. The Schools are ranked on how well their students perform on statewide tests, graduation rate, and how well they prepare their students for college.

Morristown-West High School scored 84.88% out of 100. The factors that contribute to this score are the graduation rate, reading proficiency, mathematics proficiency, passing at least one AP test, and taking at least one AP class. 38% of the students at West took an AP class and 27% of the students passed at least one AP class. Mathematics proficiency sits at 31%, reading proficiency is at 46%, and lastly the graduation rate at West High is 94%.

The total enrollment at West High is a total of 1,467 students, amongst those students West has a 36.7% minority rate. On college readiness West placed 41 out of 353, and for state assessment performance rank West placed 51 out of 353. Jeff Kinsler, principal, says, “Our seniors should be proud to graduate from a school ranked 35th in Tennessee.” He also remarks, “Due to the efforts of students and staff, West usually ranks high.”

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