A survey was conducted with multiple students and staff at West High to see what their favorite things were; so it could show that students and staff share the same interests.
1. What is your favorite type of music? There were forty one responses and the largest votes were Country, Oldies and Rap.
2. Favorite types of food? The two big ones were American and Mexican.
3. Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? By an outstanding vote, Cincinnati Bengals took the lead!
4. What is your zodiac sign? The votes show that out of the forty one responses we have lots of Pisces, Cancers, and Leos!
5. What do you enjoy the most about West High?
Kim Hall (Teacher) said, “As a West High graduate, I love the history, the memories that are evoked as I walk through the building. I also know that we have the most amazing teachers and support staff ever!”
Jason Todd (Teacher) said, “The family atmosphere and the fact that the entire staff and faculty all take care of one another. Regardless of whether you work as a teacher, an administrator, a teacher assist, a cafeteria worker, or a custodian, everyone comes together to do what they can to help the students and be there for them.”
Tammy Ripley (Teacher) said, “The friends that I work with and the students that I teach. “
Isabella Swanson (Student) mentioned, “Getting to meet new people throughout the year and creating friendships that I never though I would have.”
Dylan Nufrio and Luke Yandell (Students) both said they enjoy playing Sports.
Mariah Young (Student) expressed, “Being with my friends and being with Miss Walker's class.”