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Perry Encourages Stay Home Week After Fall Break

BY Lorna Baxley

Fall Break, which will occur from Nov. 23-27 this year, is always the time when students travel to visit friends and family that may not live nearby. Because of the extra danger that is inherently involved with traveling this year, Dr. Perry has advised that, if possible, all students do online learning from home during the week after fall break.

Currently, Hamblen County is considered a Red Zone for the virus, which means that, according to the Center for Public Integrity, we had more than 100 new cases per 100,000 population last week. Federal reports recommend avoiding gatherings with more than ten people, staying at home if one has underlying health issues, and limiting interactions, among other things. If one has plans for Thanksgiving break that may lead to exposure to Covid19, Dr. Perry urges that he or she stays home and participates in online learning for the week after the break is over.

Happy Thanksgiving Break!
Happy Thanksgiving Break!

The CDC recommends avoiding large groups of people this year, including at dinner events, parades, and in stores while shopping. All of these are very common traditions for many families during Thanksgiving. However, in order to avoid getting sick, it is recommended that everyone stay home and celebrate in the safety of their own houses.

In order to reduce the spread of Corona, students are encouraged to, if possible, do school online from Nov. 30-Dec. 4. If this is not possible for you, do not worry! Teachers will still be present in the classroom for everyone who is unable to stay at home during this time. Staying safe is

more important for everyone than anything else right now. Have a fantastic fall break, West High!

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