Dollywood has opened up for the thirty-seventh year as of March 13, 2022. The park was intended to open March 12, but was closed due to weather issues. The guests who had seasonal passes were able to listen to the upcoming events and the renovation done to the park. The seasonal pass holders were able to see Dolly Parton in the parade that was held at Dollywood on March 11.

Dollywood has multiple new renovations to the park, the first one that guests will notice is when you enter the parking-lot. The lanes are now put on the opposite side, the multi-property parking complex now employs a one-way circuit, which eliminates the two-way traffic pattern of the old parking lot layout. Also, Dollywood has added two extra parking toll booths; as well as more staging lanes for the toll booths, which will result in a reduction of time spent waiting to enter the property.

The park also did renovations to the former Victoria’s Pizza. They completely remodeled Victoria’s to what is now known as Iron Horse Pizza.

The Emporium had a complete makeover, furnishing a modern shopping experience as guests look to find a unique Dollywood remembrance.

There have been multiple buildings removed from the park. The first thing that is very noticeable that was removed is the tunnel, which has been there since Silver Dollar City that dated back before Dollywood came to be.

One of the first attractions you see at Dollywood’s Splash Country is Little Creek Falls, which is undergoing a makeover. When Splash Country opens in May, the area will be transformed into a splash pad, making the area more accessible and providing fun for people of all abilities.

Alongside Dollywood DreamMore Resorts, there will be the new HeartSong Resort that will be finished in Fall of 2023.
