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Congratulations Math Winners

April 16th, West High School students participated in the 657th Tennessee Mathematics Teachers’ Association math competition which was held on the campus of Carson Newman University. Students from schools across the area competed in the following categories: Algebra I and II, Geometry, Statistics, Pre-calculus and Calculus.

The following West High students placed in the top ten in their category.

Brady Ehret  Samuel Raymond  Malachi Kirkpatrick  Daniel Zheng  Briley Polk  Grayson Kraus  William Morrison  Eden Gibson  Eli Shoun  Pierre Mongodouw  Charles DeWald  Tennessee Darby  James Simpkins  Philip Lotivio  Samantha Barber  John Sutton  Alex Parchem
Brady Ehret Samuel Raymond Malachi Kirkpatrick Daniel Zheng Briley Polk Grayson Kraus William Morrison Eden Gibson Eli Shoun Pierre Mongodouw Charles DeWald Tennessee Darby James Simpkins Philip Lotivio Samantha Barber John Sutton Alex Parchem

Algebra I: 4th place Brady Ehret

Tied for 7th place Samuel Raymond and Malachi Kirkpatrick

Geometry: 2nd place Daniel Zheng

5th place Briley Polk

Algebra II: 3rd place Grayson Kraus

4th place William Morrison

5th place Eden Gibson

7th place Eli Shoun

Pre-calculus: 2nd place Pierre Mongondouw

3rd place Charles DeWald

Calculus: 2nd place Tennessee Darby

4th place James Simpkins

7th place Philip Lotivio

8th place Samantha Barber

Statistics 4th place John Sutton

8th place Alex Parchem

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