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Books & Beans Wakes up West High

West Side Story Staff

A new construction site is brewing upstairs. When walking through the library doors, West High students and faculty members are welcomed by the new Books & Beans coffee shop that is open to the school starting this semester. This coffee shop was six years in the making as Ms. Brittany Long and Mrs. Wendy Szatkowski, who retired last year, came up with the idea themselves. Mr. Clark’s CTE construction class built it, and students in work-based learning and nutrition staff will run the shop. 


Mr. Jim Patrick West Work Based Learning coordinator says “WBL students at West in addition to school nutrition will run the shop.” Some WBL students don’t have ways to go to other places outside of school so this is another way they can still work. Mr. Clark’s CTE construction classes are building it. Mr. Clark noted that they got their supplies from Lowes and repurposed some things as well as refurbishing the bookshelves in the library to build the counter. Morristown Signs also designed and printed the storefront. Student Zaden Bourdeau states, “Students stained the wood in the classroom and the library. I had to level the wood first,” and student Luis Gallardo commented, “This was a real-world experience”.

Books & Beans will be open throughout the day. Drop by and grab a re-up to help make it through the day. West High and Hamblen County schools helped fund this project.

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