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West High enforces Phone Policy

Morristown West High School is a school that allows students to one of the best educational opportunities in Hamblen County. To help students achieve the best education, West High has introduced the new and improved phone policy. This policy includes detailed explanation on when and where phone usage will be permitted as well as information on the consequences students will face if they are found using their phones at inappropriate times. These policies will not not only be for cellphones but air pods, smartwatches, and pretty much any electronic devices.

According to the school handbook:

Students may possess personal communication devices while on school grounds; however, the device must be in off mode and must be kept in a backpack, purse, classroom cell phone pocket, and may not be used during class instructional time. Students will be permitted to use personal communication devices before class, during class changes, and during lunch. Students are not permitted to use the devices during class time unless the teacher has received administrative approval. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action as outlined below.

• 1st offense: Warning

Parents may pick up the device at any time.

Students may pick up the device at 3:00 p.m. on the seventh day school day.

• 2nd offense: A level on the assertive discipline plan

Parent or guardian can collect the phone for $50 before the 7 days are up or by waiting until 3:00 p.m. on the seventh school day.

• 3rd offense: A level on the assertive discipline plan and orientation to alternative school.

Parent or guardian can collect the device by paying $100 or by waiting until 3:00 p.m. on the fourteenth school day.

• 4th offense: Placement at the alternative school for 45 days.

Parents may pick up the device at the home base school.

Cell Phone holder
Cell Phone holder provided in most classrooms

Addition to this policy, students are not allowed to have their phone in the restrooms with them. They must either put their phone in their bag or put it in the phone pocket that most all teachers have in their classroom. If students have any questions about other school policies, they can visit the handbook on the Morristown Hamblen West High School page West High faculty has its students' best interest in mind when preparing policies such as this phone policy.

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