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Tusculum Upward Bound provides opportunities for underclassmen

Samantha King

Tusculum upward bound is a program across, Chuckey-Doak, Cherokee, Cocke County, Cosby, David Crockett, Morristown West and East, North and West Greene, Unicoi, and Volunteer High School. Tusculum Upward Bound is part of a TRIO program that consists of a math and science program, talent search, and upward bound.

Night View at Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia Museum of Art

TRIO programs are federal outreach and student service programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.’’ TRIO programs are targeted to serve and assist low-income families, first generation college students.’’

Upward Bound takes students on educational trips,college visits, and out of state. They want to see each student flourish in every way. They help kids prepare for the ACT and college in the future.

Tusculum has a wonderful summer program. It's on campus and students stay in a dorm and take a few classes on campus. It’s not all work; it's fun too. They take learners on small trips like Pigeon Forge Snow and Wetlands water park.

Applicants must start in 9-10th grade, go to one of the previously listed schools, and maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout high school. The cost of this program is nothing; everything is funded by government grants. Students should visit their counselors to see if they could join this program.

Nina Lin, Samantha King, Lily Strum, and Cassie Akins snow tubing
Nina Lin, Samantha King, Lily Strum, and Cassie Akins snow tubing

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