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Trojan Nation Welcomes Seal

Stacy Hernandez

As the 2024-2025 year starts, The Trojan Nation welcomes Mrs. Sarah Seal. She is from Sneedville, TN and has a daughter named Sofia, her fiancé named Aaron, and a cat named Emma. Seal teaches Spanish and went to Hancock County High School and then later attended East Tennessee State University where she received her bachelor's degree in Spanish and English in their honors-in-discipline program. She continued her Spanish education by pursuing a masters degree from Bowling Green State University, where she spent a year studying abroad in Spain then finally received a masters degree in teaching at Tusculum University. 

In her spare time, she loves to spend time with her daughter and fiancé but personally loves to read, write, play video games, travel, garden, and learn languages. Seal declares to high school students that “you have to have grace with yourself as you are learning and growing, but you should never stop learning and growing in the process. Do not dwell on failures; instead, find windows and doors to open into success. Be kind to yourself as you figure out who you are and what you love, but never stop trying to be the most authentic version of yourself.” 

Sarah Seal instructs her Spanish class
Sarah Seal instructs her Spanish class

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