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Scouts Soar Towards Eagle

Brandon Shepard

By Brandon Shepard

Troop 198 at the court of honor, eagerly awaits for their name to be called for awards. From left: Larkie Livesay, Gaige Shepard, Abigail Vaughn, Ryan Roach, Nathan Hegel, Sam Chance, and Collin Wright.
Troop 198 at the court of honor, eagerly awaits for their name to be called for awards. From left: Larkie Livesay, Gaige Shepard, Abigail Vaughn, Ryan Roach, Nathan Hegel, Sam Chance, and Collin Wright.

In Scouts BSA, the ultimate goal is to reach the Eagle rank. There are many opportunities and privileges that one can earn by achieving Eagle such as starting with a leadership position in a company to beginning as a Private in the Armed Forces. Scouts must complete requirements and badges to complete each rank on their journey to Eagle and attend a conference with the scoutmaster to review their skills. The award ceremony, known as a court of honor, is held every 3-6 months to honor the accomplishments of the scouts. A court of honor for Troop 198 was held on May 8 to recognize the achievements of each scout regarding rank and merit badges. The scoutmaster, Johnny Chance, was honored to announce the boys’ accomplishments and to present the scouts with their awards. Gaige Shepard, a Life rank scout was awarded Life rank and the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader position as well as multiple merit badges ranging from Citizenship in the Community to Personal Fitness. Ryan Roach, Samuel Chance, Nathan Hegel, Ian Waites, Collin Wright, Harland Muller, and others all received rank and/or merit badges at the court of honor. These scouts and their leaders have put in countless hours and hard work to shape the boys into the hardworking men that they are. Scouting is not easy, but in the end, it is all worth it.

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