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Most Likely To Stay In Morristown Goes To: Aviah Bunsic

West high announces Aviah Bunsic most likely to stay in Morristown. Morristown is a typical small town known for its beautiful sites. The Cherokee Lake and Panther Creek State Park are two beautifully known sites in the town of Morristown.

Aviah Bunsic was nominated as most likely to stay in Morristown. She is originally from Florida but has lived in Morristown most her life. She plans on going away for college to become a radiologist and eventually coming back to Morristown. Her favorite thing about Morristown is that it’s a perfect size where there is plenty of stuff to do. Her favorite restaurant here in Morristown is Salsarita's and she likes to spend time shopping at the Morristown mall.

Oliver could not be reached at press time.

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