The Mo West Speech and Debate team competed in an online tournament the first weekend of our winter break. Three hundred students from 35 schools and 14 states competed in the tournament. The team won first place overall. Individual winners were:
Rylee Linkous- first place in Dramatic Interpretation.
Delaney Miksaand Faith Hodge- first place Duo Interpretation.
Rylee Linkous and Cayden Keltgen -third in Duo interpretation.
Cayden Keltgen-first in Humorous Interpretation.
Kimber Strumski-fourth in Humorous Interpretation.
Alexie Cowan-fifth in Humorous Interpretation.
Faith Hodge-sixth in Humorous Interpretation.
Delaney Miksaand Faith Hodge-first in Improvisation Duo
Chris Reyes and Ruby Cunningham-second in Improvisation Duo
Kimber Strumski and Lorna Baxley-third in Improvisation Duo.
Katie Simmons and Nicolette Skeen-fourth in Improvisation Duo.
Zoe Sluss and Mavrick Sloan-sixth in Improvisation Duo.
Emma Whittaker-fifth in Informative Speaking.
Delaney Miksa-sixth in Original Oratory.
Rylee Linkous-first in Poetry.
Joseph Parrott-sixth in Poetry.
Rylee Linkous-second in Prose.
Kimber Strumski-fourth in Prose.
Cayden Keltengen-second in Storytelling
Tristan Lindsey-fourth in Storytelling
Chris Reyes-sixth in Storytelling.
The team travels to the University of Alabama this coming weekend.