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Meet the 2023 Homecoming Queen; Audreonna McCullough

Writer's picture: Aidan McCauleyAidan McCauley

This year's Morristown West High School 2023 senior Homecoming Queen is Audreonna McCullough!

McCullough is a very dedicated and hard working student at West High. She does an significant amount of athletic and academic extracurriculars. She is on the Track team and Cheerleading squad. She is also in HOSA and German club!

McCullough claimed that she was surprised when she was announced over the intercom that she was nominated out of all the girls in the senior class to be on the homecoming court. She also expressed that she was very nervous the day of the Homecoming queen announcement as were many of the other girls nominated. It took her two hours to get ready. To celebrate the big win, McCullough went out to eat with her friends and family.

McCullough stated that her favorite part of being on the homecoming court was “getting to know everyone better and the girlhood that came with the experience.” One of her biggest accomplishments that she is proud of is qualifying for state in track. Her biggest role models are her brothers, Kyler and Jalen, and one of her biggest pieces of advice as a senior for the underclassmen is to “take school seriously, and don’t let your focus be broken by petty distractions.”

McCullough has big plans for the future. She stated that she “definitely wanted to go to nursing school.” She also stated “I love to help people and seeing the look on people’s faces as they leave feeling better makes me light up!” One of McCullough’s favorite things about West High School is the diversity. She loves the amount of different people from different backgrounds, and she has a diverse friend group.

McCullough Cheering at a Game.
McCullough Cheering at a Game.

Congratulations on the big win Audreonna McCullough!

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