In order for a West High day to run smoothly, there are members behind the scenes who make it successful most days. A select group of students in JROTC at West High raise and lower the flag in front of the school on the main lawn.
The flag is lowered around 2:50 before school is let out. The students asked to raise and lower the flag are randomly selected from JROTC. They are Jonathan Davis, Kayla Watson, Noah Forbing, and Nikkie Moore. According to sophomore Forbing, “These students know to fly the flag at half mast when either the office tells them or the president puts it on social media sites such as Twitter.” Half mast is when a flag is lowered half way when the nation is in mourning for something. The students fold the flag in a 13 fold military triangle. They store the flag in the office after it's been lowered. The same flag is used every year at West High School, but this one needs some repairs.
