Morristown West’s HOSA attended the State Leadership Conference held in Chattanooga during Hamblen county’s spring break. Andrew Howard and Dayan Hernandez both placed to attend HOSA nationals competition. Along with placing for nationals, Hernandez was also elected to be the 2024/2025 President Elect of Tennessee HOSA.
The process of becoming president-elect was a four month long process she had to undergo by submitting a headshot photo, resume, transcript, absenteeism, permission and recommendation forms, confirming she was a current sophomore or junior in high school with a GPA of 2.5 or above with at least one year of HOSA involvement and willing and able to fulfill all duties of office and be available for all required events to be considered as a potential candidate which was then accepted to move forward to round one of a virtual test and interview. She also competed in an in person round two at the state leadership conference, was required to take a 25 question written exam on the history and organization of Tennessee HOSA, and an Interview by the Nominating Committee which decides which position each advancing candidate will be slated for. This was later followed by workshops, campaigning and a speech under two minutes that was to be given to the voting delegates.
Hernandez had previously run as a candidate for Beta President, she shares, “despite not winning, my campaigning experience and in person process was smoother overall in HOSA after knowing a general idea of what to expect and having my current HOSA advisors take into account that experience.” Not only is Henandez in HOSA but involved in BETA, Cultural Appreciation and Awareness, Executive Council, and “I’m looking to joining the Band once again after having a heavy class load that had prevented me from being able to participate this current year.”
Hernandez implies how she wants to be a pharmacist, “currently I’m planning on obtaining my pharmacy technician certification next year in order to prepare for this career.” She then explains the duties of HOSA president-elect, “As the President-Elect I shall serve HOSA in any capacity as directed by the President and shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.” She continues, “As the President-Elect I shall succeed the President at the end of each term of office, being the only member on the council with a two-year term. As the President-Elect I shall also serve on the HOSA, Inc. Board of Directors, and Executive Committee.”