Hey, welcome to my page. Obviously I’ve introduced myself well over 13 times already, so I’ll let you do the guess work this time newbies. Either way, let’s go to my thoughts. The current dumpster fire that we call life is starting to spread. This means it’s now more hectic and burns everything it touches- much like my love life if you ask me. However, that’s not the point of this one sided conversation. When life gives you lemons, the only logical thing to do with them is to chuck them at your problems and move on.
That being said, this last week was arguably one of the hardest weeks to walk away from in my opinion. Every second felt like an eon and as my insomnia waned, these songs came to mind as I began to daydream in class. Feel free to take a load off your feet, sit back, drink some pumpkin spice latte, and listen to these months’ top picks.
1. “Walking Contradiction,” by Green Day
2. “Lost in the Supermarket,” by The Clash
3. “Ziggy Stardust,” by David Bowie
4. “Feel the Pain,” By Dinosaur Jr.
5. “Vocal Coach,” by Bomb the Music Industry!
6. “Its Now,” by Imperial Teen
7. “Lose Sight of You,” by Radiator Hospital
8. “Darkness Records,” by Jeff Rosenstock
