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Career Technical Education: Welding Addition

Carlie Wolfe

Career Technical Education courses are classes offered at West that offer students the opportunity to learn a trade. One of these many trade classes is welding. This course is taught by Josh Miller. Miller has been an educator for five years but has been at West for four years. Miller takes pride in his job and is always willing to help someone learn. “I rarely get any students with welding experience. Only experience any of them have is the prerequisite course Principles of Manufacturing.” Miller said.

Miller does not only teach students about how to make a durable weld, but he also makes sure safety is the top priority. Students who partake in this class will need to wear the proper equipment, which is provided other than closed toed shoes and pants. Miller stated, “the first week or so is full of safety, safety, safety, students learn all about the risk of the heat and damage ultraviolet rays can do, along with the heat they learn about fumes, cutting etcetera.” Once students get the basic understanding it is welding every day.

Miller is prepared to take on any students no matter if they have been around welders their whole life or if they are an incoming freshman that thought the class would be fun. Miller's goal for his students is for them to be able to get a job at any location in town, as well as further their education by going to TCAT. “Nothing can predict the best welders.” Miller stated when discussing how anyone can learn to weld.

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