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Marching Into Success



The Morristown West High Trojan Marching Band competed in the David Crockett Festival of Bands competition this past Saturday Sept. 25. Their 2021 theme was Ritmos de Passion with selections including Los Cuervos, Havana Express, and El Gato Triste.

The 2021 drum major for the Trojan Marching band is Sheila Pantoja Torres.

Other band officers this year include: Band President- Hailey Mullane , Band Vice President- Leopold Larsen , Band Historian- Rebecca Jones , Band Media Officer- Lilian DesGroseilliers , Band Equipment Manager- Donald Anderson , Color Guard Captain- Carrie Kemmis, and Drum Captain- William Case. The Trojan Marching Band received an overall rating of excellent in their division, and Drum Major Pantoja received first place in the band’s division and second place overall in the competition. Overall the band did very well at projecting their sound towards the audience despite having lower group numbers compared to groups in the preceding seasons. This has been a great season for the band thus far, and they will continue to improve and be better.

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