As a rising new school year, upper classman portray to be more relaxed and calm. Although, the feeling isn’t the same for every student. Many freshmen feel nervous on their first day of school. The idea of walking into a new school and a new atmosphere is chilling. The transition from middle school to high school can be nerve-racking.
Former freshman student Emily Lawless shared, “The transition is very overwhelming, but it is much more manageable than I thought it would be.” Lawless said, “The workload is a lot more and is very structured and detailed.” Another freshman student Matthew Kemmis said, “I was excited on the first day to be out of my middle school, and now am contented to be in high school. Although I am slightly stressed from my new responsibilities.”
Trinity King, a freshman student in Mrs. Sedlack’s advisor class, responded by saying,” My teachers are accepting and willing to help, as they still continue today.”
Some of the responses from freshmen students reveal different feelings. The change to a new school can be terrifying, but at West High School, things seem to be different. The environment at West High reveals a friendly atmosphere for freshman students, and they seem to be easily adjusting to the Trojan family.
