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FCCLA Activities Provide Fun for Human Studies Students

Nina Lin

FCCLA(Family, Community and Career Leaders of America) is a club at Morristown-Hamblen High School West and has been a club since the school was founded in the year 1968. FCCLA is offered at West High to provide opportunities for students to complete community service, build teamwork and leadership skills, and meet new people as well. Bekah Scariano, Human Studies teacher, shares her favorite thing about the club is, “all the students and helping the community.” Some services and events that have been completed in the recent years would be breakfast booths during homecoming, Socktober, food and money donations to MATS, attending the Christmas parade, and many more.

Pictured Above: Holly Butler, student, displays this year's FCCLA t-shirt. Christmas stockings are put together for CEASE, Human Studies teachers Beckah Scariano and Angela Wilson, and posters are set up to recruit incoming freshmen.

Requirements to be in FCCLA are to have or have had a class with Bekah Scariano, Human Studies Teacher, or Angela Wilson, Human Studies Teacher. There are approximately 20 students in the club each school year. The club meets once a month at West High and the meetings are held in Scariano’s room, room number 379, after school to discuss upcoming services and events.

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