FBLA and DECA meeting takes place on the Monday of the month in Mrs. Whaleys room. The last meeting started out with over 30 members signing in and grabbing snacks. The meeting was led by the officers Lauren Gray FBLA president, Isabella Swanson the FBLA Vice President, Tania Roque Castro the FBLA secretary, the FBLA treasurers Kaila Evans, Malachi Young, DECA president Chloe Seal, and DECA vice president Adison Manuel. This meeting the overall purpose of the club was discussed for the new members. During the meeting reminders, fees, t-shirts, upcoming events, and important dates were discussed. At the end of the meeting included a drawing of students names for a business t- shirt. Next meeting is scheduled Monday Oct. 31 in Mrs. Whaley’s classroom; all meetings will be held last Monday every month.

All fees for these clubs are due to Mrs. Whaley for FBLA and Mrs. Cutshaw for DECA. FBLA club dues are $12, DECA club dues are $15, $8 for a t-shirt, and $35 for both clubs and a t-shirt. All members are encouraged to join remind and the google classrooms for important announcements. Events to compete in for both clubs were discussed also, see sponsors or offices for any questions.
The Echo Valley Corn Maze was also discussed in this meeting. The social activity will be Thursday Oct. 20 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Activities will include hayride, pumpkin picking, and corn mazes. A permission slip along with an expensive few of $15 is required to attend this trip. Students must provide their own transportation. The FBLA Thanksgiving Drive is Nov. 1-18, and Toys for Tots is Dec. 17.