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Mrs. Whaley, advisor

West Offers Early Childhood Education to Prepare Students for Childcare Careers

Imagine that the only dream someone has is to train young children, but their school does not have any classes to help prepare them for that pathway. Well fear not West High School students, as of 2021 there is a new class available for all those future childcare positions!

Early Childhood Education, a class taught by Mrs. Bekah Scariano, is one of the newest classes available at West High. “Why was this class not brought to West High School sooner?” one may ask. The simple answer to this question is that Scariano just became certified this past March to teach this class, and there is no one certified at East High School. On that note this class is available to East High students also. Scariano explained that the, “Education and Training Department wanted to offer students interested in pursuing a career in Early Childhood Education specific classes that can lead to national certification,” and that is another reason it was brought to West High.

This class prepares students to care for and teach children from birth to the age of 8. The students in this class will spend time with preschool age children which, according to Scariano, “is the best way to prepare students to become teachers”. The key concepts taught in this class are: safety and confidentiality, human growth and development, early childhood services, aptitudes, and careers within this pathway.

Scariano exclaims she is, “most excited about being able to offer real experiences with children to my students.” It is safe to say that she is ecstatic to teach this class, and that it will be a thrilling and entertaining class to take. So for all those students who want to teach children for a living, come take Early Childhood Education, and get a head start on your preparation.

Students in Scarianos class learning and practicing CPR on baby mannequin
Students in Scarianos class learning and practicing CPR on baby mannequin

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