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Seniors Apply Now for Scholarships

Mrs. Whaley, advisor

1. The Tennessee Promise application is open!! High school seniors in Tennessee may apply for the Tennessee Promise scholarship, which will provide two years of tuition-free attendance at a community or technical college in Tennessee (list of eligible institutions). Tennessee Promise is a last-dollar scholarship, meaning it will cover the cost of tuition and mandatory fees not met by Pell, Hope or the Tennessee Student Assistance Award. As part of the program, students will be paired with a partnering organization, provided with a mentor who will support them during the college application process, and complete the community service requirement.

Counselors will provide help with the Tennessee Promise application during the school day, but students may complete the application on their own, as well. Below is a list of important deadlines.

October 3, 2019 at 9:00 AM - Tennessee Promise informational meeting for Class of 2020, West High auditorium

By November 1, 2019 Complete on-line application

By February 1, 2020 Complete the 2020-21 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - FAFSA opens October 1

March 4, 2020 at 5:30 PM (arrive by 5:00 PM for check-in) - attend MANDATORY meeting in West High cafeteria [Parents are welcome to attend but may not attend in place of their child!]

By spring of 2020 - apply to school of choice

By July 1, 2020 Complete and report on-line you’re first 8 hours of community service - only community service completed November 2, 2019 or later will be considered.

2. The Niswonger Foundation Scholarship applications are available in the Counseling Office. Mr. Kinsler will nominate two well-rounded students who demonstrate leadership, academic ability, financial need and a commitment to return to Northeast Tennessee for employment. Applications must be returned to the Counseling Office by September 9, 2019. *Please note West High sets an earlier deadline to allow students the necessary time to request a letter of nomination from another organization (in the event he or she is not chosen as a West High nominee).

3. The Gates Millennium Scholars Program, funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, provides outstanding African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, and Hispanic American students with an opportunity to complete an undergraduate college education in any discipline area of interest. Applicants are expected to demonstrate high academic achievement and leadership potential and have significant financial need. The deadline for this competitive scholarship is the afternoon of September 15, 2019. Visit for more info and to apply.

4.QuestBridge National College Match connects high-achieving, lower income high school seniors with admission and full four-year scholarships to 35 of the nation's best colleges. To qualify you must be able to demonstrate academic excellence and come from a household earning less than $60,000 annually for a typical family of four. The application can be accessed online and must be submitted by September 26, 2019.

5. The Roan Scholars Leadership Program is East Tennessee State University’s most prestigious, full-tuition scholarship. If you are applying to ETSU and desire to be a nominee for the Roan Scholars Program, you must submit a resume and a brief, one page essay addressing your educational goals and your desire to attend ETSU. Resumes/Essays must be returned to the Counseling Office by September 27, 2019. Nominees should demonstrate character, intellectual curiosity, physical vigor and leadership.  Mr. Kinsler will identify West High scholarship candidates based on resume/essay.  School level nominees will be required to complete an application through the link below before the final deadline in October.

6. Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Programs provide financial assistance to students throughout the nation who have financial need and have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity. Scholarship criteria also include high school graduation in spring/summer of 2020, demonstrate financial need, commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree, and United States citizenship. Deadline October 25, 2019

The United States Senate Youth Program, Applications are now being accepted from junior or senior high school students to be a participant in the 2020 United States Senate Youth Program. Two Tennessee delegates will participate in an annual Washington Week in March which includes a variety of events that promote a unique understanding of the structure of our national government. The Hearst Foundation also offers selected state finalists a $10,000 undergraduate scholarship. The student application and instructions for applying are available below. Students who are interested in applying for this program should see Mrs. Byrd in the Counseling Office by October 1, 2019 to arrange to take the required exam. All other application materials are due to the counseling office by October 9, 2019.

7. The Voice of Democracy has been the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ premier scholarship Program since 1947. Awards are offered on the local, state and national levels. Students compete by writing and recording an audio essay on an annual patriotic theme. This year’s them is: What Makes America Great. The scholarship program is open to grades 9-12 and due by October 31, 2019. Applications are available in the Counseling Office.

8. The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to graduating high school seniors. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. 150 Coca-Cola scholars are selected each year to receive this $20,000 scholarship! Apply online by October 31, 2019. See the Counseling Office for more information.  The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards were created to recognize students in middle and high school grades who have made meaningful contributions to their communities through volunteer service. If you are interested in becoming a nominee for this Award, complete an online application by November 5, 2019 and then submit the application to the Counseling Office for Mr. Kinsler. Students must be certified by West High by November 15, 2019.

9. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program is an undergraduate scholarship program available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend the nation’s best four-year colleges and universities. College Scholars receive up to $40,000 per year, college planning support, ongoing advising, and the opportunity to network with the larger JKCF Scholar community. The deadline to apply is November 13, 2019. Learn more at

10. Elks National Foundation MVS Scholarship - Each year the Elks National Foundation awards 500 “Most Valuable Student Scholarships” ranging from $4,000 a year to $50,000 a year. Any high school senior who is a U.S. citizen may apply for an MVS scholarship. Applications will be judged on scholarship, leadership and financial need. Visit for details and access to the application. The completed application must be completed by November 5, 2019.

National DAR Scholarships can be found at

The online application portal is currently available through February 15, 2020. Visit the website for a full list of detailed scholarships. Contact Barbara Baker at 423-581-9658 (leave name, message, and phone number) with additional questions.

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