Halloween has at last receded, and Thanksgiving is on its way. Wrapping up the Halloween festivities, Dollywood has spent the past week, Oct.31 - Nov. 5, cleaning up all the jack o'lanterns and doing away with the pumpkin spice to make room for Christmas decorations. Dollywood's winter festivities have been a staple in many Tennesseans' lives. This Holly Dolly event will leave lots of visitors wanting more as it has in previous years.
The winter wonderland consists of many winter treats. All over the park one can see Christmas treats covered in bright shiny lights. Every corner of the park is filled with classic Christmas favorites and some are even performed live around the park. From sweet, to savory, to unforgettable, Dollywood's festival foods have a wide variety. At Crossroads Funnel Cakes guests can find the Bear Country Apple Cinnamon Funnel Cake, while at Front Porch Café visitors taste buds can be pleased with their Pork Loin with Smoked Collards and Roasted Sweet Potatoes. To end the night, Dollywood will shoot off fireworks. Afterwards, as the guests enjoy their last view of lights, they are waved farewell to by Santa Claus.
The Smoky Mountain Christmas is a memory every family will never forget. The family favorite event ends Jan, 3, 2022. Come and love every movement. For students who help share the Christmas spirit, Dollywood is holding a hiring event after school Wednesday, Nov.10 in West high school's cafeteria. Come and join the Doll-lightful crew.
