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FFA Members Place in State Competition

Mikaela Mello, Aidan McCauley

FFA Agriculture members Rachel Jarnigan and Makayhla Hurst placed in the state competition. They have earned their FFA State Degrees.

Rachel Jarnigan (left) and Makayhla Hurst (right) posing with their FFA State Degrees.
Rachel Jarnigan (left) and Makayhla Hurst (right) posing with their FFA State Degrees.

FFA is the premier youth development organization for school-based agricultural education students that provides life-changing experiences for its members.

In order to be able to obtain an FFA state degree one must have received the Chapter FFA Degree, have been an active FFA member for at least two years at the time of receiving the State FFA Degree, have completed at least two years of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at their above the ninth grade level, which includes an SAE, have earned and productively invested at least $1,000, or have worked at least 300 hours outside of scheduled class time through an SAE, demonstrated leadership ability by performing 10 parliamentary law procedures, give a six minute speech on a topic relating to agriculture or FFA, and serving as an FFA officer, committee chairperson, or committee member, have a satisfactory academic record, certified by the agriculture teacher and the school principal or superintendent, participated in the planning and implementation of the chapter’s Program of Activities, participated in at least five different FFA activities above the chapter level, and complete at least 25 hours of community service in a minimum of two different activities. All community service hours are cumulative, the 10 community service hours used to obtain the chapter degree can be used toward the state degree.

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