Luke Davis

Dec 7, 20221 min

Extra! Extra: Newsies Jr. Is Coming To West

Dec. 9 & 10 the West High Theatre program will be debuting its first productions under the supervision of Mr. Michael Todd. The plays debuting are Newsies Jr. and Peanut Butter Christmas, a play written by Todd.

Newsies Jr. will be performed at 7:00 pm on Friday Dec. 9 and at 2:00 and 7:00 pm on Dec. 10. Tickets will be sold at the door as well as in the Cafeteria on Thursday, Dec 8. Peanut Butter Christmas will be performed following Newsies Jr.’s night performances at 8:30 on both the 9th & 10th. “The Citizen Tribune” is sponsoring Newsies Jr. production. The Tribune also leant old newspapers to the production to be used as props.

The production has been a labor of love for everyone involved. Students have attended numerous hours of out of school rehearsals to ensure the play will go off without a hitch. Theatre students are excited for the production. There are more moving parts in the production than there may appear to be, with multiple students coordinating props, wardrobe, and light design.

As someone who is on the production team and has been to many, many rehearsals, I would like to recommend that anyone who is remotely interested in attending attend. So many people have worked very hard on this and we believe we have a great production. Probably not the best anyone will ever see, but we can’t help being proud.

Theatre students rehearsing

Theatre students rehearsing
